

Connect and manage large scale IoT infrastructure

iot device management platforms


Monitor, manage and diagnose the product connectivity from a single pane of management.


Deliver enterprise services securely with full control and visibility over service quality, privacy, and regulation.

iot device management platforms

AIR:CONTROL - IoT Connectivity Management ​

Reduce your time to market in new geographies and expand horizontally

Expanding 5G & NB-IoT

Supports white band as well as NB-IoT, LTE-M and 5G NR.

Subscription & Service Plans

Create & manage service plans for B2B and B2B2C scenarios.


SMS & network firewalls, VPN & private APNs, frame routing and IMEI lock.

Connectivity Analytics

Real-time time usage analytics for live troubleshooting and trends.

Monitoring & Diagnostics

Troubleshoot and identify the current state of device with SMS and ping tests.


Global SIM/eSIM connectivity, thereby providing greater reliability, security, and mobility.

Subscription & Service Plans

Create & manage service plans & coverage to accelerate growth beyond connectivity

AIR:FUSION - IOT Application Enablement Platform​

Deploy IoT applications that are tailor-made for business operations across verticals


Design and runtime engine that enables the creation of applications leveraging real-time, bi-directional connectivity to assets.


Identify data patterns, retrieve actionable business insights and define business rules for various sensor data.


Highly open and extensible platform can be deployed seamlessly on-premise or in public or private clouds.


Readily interface with virtually any other application that supports a RESTful interface, such as CRM, ERP, PLM, and SCM.

IoT API Orchestration - Airlinq

Capitalize on the rise of 5G networks

Be future-ready to tap into new revenue opportunities with the arrival of 5G.

Enable global IoT solutions and monetize over connected services

application enablement platform - Airlinq
Transforming operator’s IoT ecosystem enablement capabilities for a long term competitive advantage with clear path to monetization

Configure all the service control points from a single dash to onboard providers rapidly

Increasing the market share with Vertical Specialization for specific sectors

Rapid time-to-market, giving clear advantage of 18-24 months over new entrants​

Explore Datasheets for Telecom Service Providers

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